Saturday, July 28, 2012

Think About it

The ABOR theory ( Attraction of two beings opposite related - Environmental cause)

ABOR or I like to call it ABOR-ec is a theory of human interconnectedness as I would classify. The theory was brought forward to my  thinking  from a personal observation. The interesting observation I realised when a male and female is exposed in an environment of nomarllity for a long period of time is the attraction between them. The whole idea about this theory is simple and straight forward. Let us create an environment of any kind but trouble free and put a girl and boy in it for a long period of time lets assume that the girl already have a boy friend and the boy is not. Living them exposed to one another for a while will eventually  nurture and grow their compassionate part of their behaviour that will result in love. The attraction some how comes naturally. This cause can be blamed for the supernatural connection of the soul and the environment that it's being exposed to. Some exception in this situation are when only the girl have the feeling towards the other and vice versa. But the probability of sharing the love to each other occurs at 80%. 

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